14 July 2023

Update 1.20.1 R0pre2 — Added Chiseled bookshelves, cherry wood, bamboo blocks, suspicious sand and gravel and much more!

New Stuff:

  • GUI:
  • Included all old panoramas into the pack
  • Mojang loading screen colors is now dark-mode (when using Optifine)
  • Blocks:
  • chiseled bookshelf (filled, empty, top, side)
  • cherry planks
  • bamboo planks
  • bamboo mosaic
  • bamboo block (top, side)
  • stripped bamboo block (top, side)
  • suspicious sand (0, 1, 2, 3)
  • suspicious gravel (0, 1, 2, 3)
  • sweet berry bush (stage 0, 1, 2 ,3)
  • vine leaves texture for the Lush foliage add-on
  • Misc:
  • Added splashes text submitted by Patrons

Changed Stuff:

  • stone
  • all ores (coal, copper, iron, redstone, gold, lapis, diamond, emerald)
  • all deepslate ore variants (coal, copper, iron, redstone, gold, lapis, diamond, emerald)
  • stone bricks
  • cracked stone bricks
  • mossy stone bricks
  • planks (oak, birch, jungle, mangrove, acacia, spruce, dark oak, warped, crimson)
  • stone slab (top & side)
  • obsidian
  • cobblestone
  • mossy cobblestone
  • bookshelf
  • cactus (top, side, bottom)
  • crying obsidian
  • respawn anchor (top, side0, side1, side2, side3, side4, bottom)
  • sand (4 variants)
  • red sand
  • Removed torch, soul torch and redstone torch models — [Temporarily]
  • Minecraft logo in menu
  • Edition logo in menu
  • pack description (pack.mcmeta) is now consistent in all Sapixcraft packs

Fixed Stuff:

  • Fixed end crystal naming
  • Trip wire hook uses correct name
white arrow

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