15 July 2020
Added all netherite tools, new nether blocks, updates all types of tools and much more.
- netherite sword
- netherite pickaxe
- netherite axe
- netherite shovel
- netherite hoe
- netherite ingot
- netherite helmet item
- netherite chestplate item
- netherite leggings item
- netherite boots item
- netherite armor
- soul torch
- warped fungus
- crimson fungus
- crying obsidian
- target block
- blackstone
- blackstone top
- gilded blackstone
- polished blackstone bricks
- cracked polished blackstone bricks
- warped wart block
- respawn anchor side 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
- respawn anchor top off
- respawn anchor bottom
- cracked nether bricks
- iron helmet item
- iron chestplate item
- iron leggings item
- iron boots item
- golden helmet item
- golden chestplate item
- golden leggings item
- golden boots item
- diamond helmet item
- diamond chestplate item
- diamond leggings item
- diamond boots item
- chainmail helmet item
- chainmail chestplate item
- chainmail leggings item
- chainmail boots item
- warped stem top
- stripped warped stem top
- warped stem
- stripped warped stem
- crimson stem top
- stripped crimson stem top
- crimson stem
- stripped crimson stem
- warped fungus on a stick
- chain item
- elytra item
- broken elytra item
- chain block
- music disc pigstep
- warped sign
- crimson sign
- campfire item
- soul campfire item
- obsidian
- nether wart block
- wooden sword
- wooden pickaxe
- wooden axe
- wooden shovel
- wooden hoe
- stone sword
- stone pickaxe
- stone axe
- stone shovel
- stone hoe
- iron sword
- iron pickaxe
- iron axe
- iron shovel
- iron hoe
- iron ingot
- golden sword
- golden pickaxe
- golden axe
- golden shovel
- golden hoe
- golden ingot
- diamond sword
- diamond pickaxe
- diamond axe
- diamond shovel
- diamond hoe
- carrot on a stick
- yellow dye
- red dye
- torch
- Removed Panoramic background to show the default nether one
- Fixed dark torches in inventory