8 August 2021
Added glow squids, copper blocks, raw ore blocks, deepslate blocks, amethyst, candles and much more.
New :
- glow squid
- raw gold
- raw gold block
- raw iron
- raw iron block
- raw copper
- raw copper block
- glow ink sac
- moss block
- hero of the village effect icon
- glow berries
- amethyst shard
- amethyst block
- budding amethyst
- copper ingot
- copper ore
- calcite
- spyglass model
- spyglass item
- tinted glass
- candle items (17 colors)
- candles (17 colors)
- lit candles (17 colors)
- copper block
- exposed copper
- cut copper
- exposed cut copper
- smooth basalt
- powder snow
- powder snow bucket
- lightning rod
- lightning rod on
- glow item frame
- glow item frame item
- deepslate
- polished deepslate
- deepslate bricks
- cracked deepslate bricks
- cobbled deepslate
- cracked deepslate tiles
- deepslate redstone ore
- deepslate lapis ore
- deepslate copper ore
- deepslate iron ore
- deepslate diamond ore
- deepslate emerald ore
- deepslate gold ore
- deepslate coal ore
- warped door item
- light item (0-15 levels)
- light particles
- brown mushroom block
Changed :
- squid
- charcoal
- redstone
- barrier
- structure void
- sugar cane
- coal ore
- diamond ore
- emerald ore
- gold ore
- iron ore (0-1)
- lapis ore
- bamboo item
- bricks
- bricks top
- lily pad (0,1)
- painting item
- item frame item
- redstone ore
- nether wart item
- cracked stone brick
- beetroot seeds
- pumpkin seeds
- melon seeds
Fixed :
- fixed grass path not showing in 1.17
- fixed squid texture location in 1.17
- reduced bricks variants to increase FPS
- reduced nether bricks variants to increase FPS
- reduced stripped birch log variants to increase FPS
- reduced grass block side variants to increase FPS
- removed some gravel variants to increase FPS
- removed a gravel variants to increase FPS
- removed a dirt variants to increase FPS
- removed a coarse dirt variants to increase FPS
- removed some mushroom variants to increase FPS
- downscaled beacon texture to increase FPS
- using 1 instead of 3 honey block textures to increase FPS
- removed unneeded shulker box textures